Senator John Kerry´s ancestors in the male line
(C) Copyright by IHFF, Ing. Felix
Gundacker, 2004 last update: March 28th, 2004
The ancestors and collateral relatives of Ida Löwe
The ancestors originated in
The family LÖWY:
The ancestors originated
in Moravia and not as has been bruited about - Hungary.
Ida, maternal grandmother
of Senator Kerry, was born to Siegfried Löwe and his wife Josephine, née Löw,
married 10. 3.1870 in Brno, Moravia, moving shortly afterwards to Vienna, were
Siegfried, born in Usov, Moravia, had already established himself .
Maehrisch AUSSEE, Usov. about 1910 |
The very famous family Löwy lived in Brno. Leopold Löwy and his wife Katharina nee Stern (died in Brno on September 2nd, 1886 in the age of 87) had the following children:
Albert |
the oldest son of the family was born 1817 in Mährisch Ausse (now Usov in Moravia). Between 1848 and 1870 he emigrated to London and was there Rabbi of the Jewish Community in Paddington. 1871 he was married. |
Wilhelm |
was born
in Usov on March 6th, 1826 and married in Breslau on February 25th, 1871 to
Emma Friederike Fränkel,
born in Ratibor in Prussian Silesia on November 9th, 1841. Soon after the
marriage the family moved to Vienna and lived in the Czerningasse 7. They
had 4 children: - Robert Leopold Löwy was born in Vienna on January 23rd, 1872. Later, he moved to his uncle to London. - Rosalia was born in Vienna on July 18th, 1876. - Felix was born in Vienna on November 24th, 1877. As his older brother, he also emigrated to London and lived there in the Frognallane. On December 22nd 1948, he got the British Citizenship. - Gertrud was born in Vienna on June 14th, 1882 in 1890, the family lived in the Weihburggasse 4, in 1900 in the Reithlegasse 9. Wilhelm died in Vienna on May 22nd, 1912, his wife Emma Friederike on December 28th, 1928. |
Moritz | we only know, that he moved to Budapest. 1886 he was unmarried |
Alois |
born in Usov on February 28th, 1831. soon he moved to Baden south of Vienna. On August 18th, 1867 he married in Vienna Ernestine Spitzer, daughter of deceased merchant Carl Spitzer and Regine nee Schiec. Ernestine was born in Vienna on March 12th, 1845. The second assistance was his uncle Albert Löwy. |
Siegfried | the great grandfather of Senator John Kerry. He changed his surname to Löwe |
Charlotte |
the only
daughter of the family was born in Mährisch Aussee in September 1822. She
married Markus
(also Moritz)
Markus was born in Boskovice in September 1820. The family lived in Brno,
Große Bäckergasse 10. On May 10th, 1897, they changed the surname to
Wallner. The only known son of this family was David, who was born in Boskowitz on May 3rd, 1858. David was a merchant in Vienna and married there on December 13th, 1891 Rosa Tauber (born in Vienna on August 19th, 1870). |
The family LÖW:
Josephine Löw was born in Boskowitz 89, now Boskovice, Moravia; she was the 8th child of Benjamin Löw and the 4th child of her mother Betty Löw, née Spitzer.
Benjamin Löw most likely was born as son of Benjamin Löw (+ 24. 4.1839) who with his first wife Breindel had the following children in Boskowitz. Benjamin died in Brno on July 27th, 1876 because of his age.
Ester | * 02.09.1826 | |
Juda | * 07.04.1829 | |
Markus | * 25.09.1830 | + 29.04.1831 in Boskovice |
Elka | * 07.01.1832 | Elka, also Emma, married in Brno on May 6th, 1856 to Hermann Flamm, born in Vienna in 1823. |
Breidl died on October 1st, 1834 aged only 34, in Boskovice house number 90, of nerve-fever. On July 14th, Benjamin married again to Betty Spitzer, born in Straßnitz (now Straznice in Moravia). Betty died in Brno (Girkrastraße 5) on January 19thm 1898 with 82 years. They had the following children:
Luna, also Mina | * 30.11.1841 | Mina married in Brno on June 23rd, 1863 to Franz Spitz, born in Boskovice in 1833. |
Maria |
24.05.1843 |
Maria married in Brno
on Juy 4th, 1865 to Hermann Tugendhat
and died in Brno on March 16th, 1912. Hermann was born in Bielitz on
February 24th, 1834 and died in Brno in 1903. The family lived in the
Altbrünnergasse 15 in 1870, and in the Pilgramgasse 1/3 in 1880. |
Bernhard | * 24.06.1844 | + 28.05.1845 in Boskovice |
Markus | * 23.01.1847 | emigrated to USA, where he died in 1910 |
Ignaz | * 04.05.1849 | + 29.10.1910 as a marchant in Vienna |
Sali | * 1850 | |
Rosa | * 05.1852 | + 4.12.1890 |
Boskowitz, main square 1913 |
Straznice, about 1908 |
Jews first chronicled in Boskowitz in 1343; here too they provide about one fifth of the general population. | One surmises that the first Jews rsided in Strassnitz already before 1300; the Jewish portion of the Strassnitz general population of 1880, was about 10 percent. |
The family moved to Brno in 1860, residing at Bäckerstrasse 7 (later Große Bäckerstrasse 116) Siegfried & Ida Löwe were married at the synagogue in Brno 20. 3.1870 and immediately moved to Bräunerstrasse 5, Vienna, 1st district.
the old synagogue of Brno, state-archives Brno |
![]() ![]() |
Marriage entry of Siefried Löwe: Brno Synagogue 20.3.1870 Source: Statni Ustredni Archiv, Prag, 128/72 |
Löwe Siegfried, born
in , agent in Vienna, parents Leopold Löwy (deceased) |
A possible brother of Benhamin Löw was Samuel, born in Boskovice in 1809. He married in Boskovice on February 2nd, 1833 to Franziska, born in Kremsier. Samuel died in Brno on January 8th, 1891. They had 3 children: Bernhard, born in Kremsier in 1840 (died in Brno in 1881), Bertha, born in Kremsier in 1841, later married to Löwenbau, died in Brno in 1895. The second daughter Pauline was also married to a Löwenbau.
The family in Vienna
First child of this union born 4. 4.1870 in Vienna: Lina/Linda - the father listed as commercial agent but already by the next year as exporting merchant; this led him to Budapest where 4 further children were born.
Jenni | * 21.04.1872 | + in Treblinka |
Felix | * 06.10.1873 | + March 19th, 1935 in Vienna |
Otto | * 07.01.1875 | + June 29th, 1943 in the Concentration camp Theresienstadt, now Terezin. |
Ida | * 22.02.1877 | the grandmother of Senator John Kerry |
Siegfried Löwe only returned to Vienna in 1883, having professionally advanced to a position in a bank - her resided in Vienna's 3rd district, Reisnerstraße 42; moving as employee of the 'Länderbank" to Parkgasse 3. also in the 3rd district. His wife Josephine died 17.11.1897 of bronchial complications, aged 52 years. Siegfried Löwe moved to the 7th district of Vienna, Zieglergasse 73, where he remained until his death at 83 years of age in 31. 3.1918, of pneumonia.
Of his children only 2 were married - Ida espoused
Friedrich Kohn (see previous family listing) and Linda married Wilhelm Schloss
16. 3.1902 by Jewish rites on 16. 3.1902; with issue Lilli Josephine born 9.
3.1903 and Leopold born 6. 5.1905; both again were married in Vienna - Lilli to
Erwin Goldschmied, 27. 5.1923 and Leopold to Kitty Grünwald, 16. 9.1927.
Further data not available because of data
Two family members murdered by the Nazis in extermination camps.
The other three
children of Siegfried and Josephine Löwe died without descendents:
Felix, born in Budapest on October 6th, 1873, a Lieutenant in the Reserve Army,
died in Vienna on March 19th, 1935 of heart-failure.
Jenny and Otto too were not married; directly from their apartment, Sterngasse11/16, on 13. 8.1942, they were deported to the camp "Theresienstadt"; here Otto was murdered on 29. 6.1943, and Jenny vanished into the horrors of Treblinka.