BACKPrivate homepages

[Stevie B.]
Stefan Brantner
Stevie B. has made some real beautiful pictures and there are several other very interesting things he has to offer you, especially if you are faithful!
"who dances with the linux"
If you want to know something about Linux on Alphas, you are at the right and first address! Fritz is really a "guru" in things concerning this marvellous operating system... BTW: Whatever you do: Don't try to argue him into Microsoft Windows... :-)
Thomas Hagauer
The home page of a real mountain biker! Here you'll find information about this sport and other interesting things.
Gert Kienast
I started my career at school with him, to be exact at the "Volksschule" (elementary school)! So I've known him for..., wait a moment..., ah, yes, for 21 1/2 years! He has some kind of strange humour sometimes and he's always trying to get me to bake a cake for him. How strange... He also is already working and seems to enjoy it!
Peter Kellinger
Peter strongly insists on NOT being from Vienna but from L.A., aerm, L.E. (Long Enzersdorf... :-))! 
He also believes in losing his soul by taking a photo of him, so this is the only one which he accepted.
Heidrun Kirchweger
Yet another well known Kirchweger (even though her sister no longer has the name). Heidrun can be found in most of the Austrian (and even some of the international) news groups and seems to have more time than the average mortal... :-) Her home page is worth seeing in any case!
Harald Krottmaier
Harald is not just one of my best friends, no, in fact he knows a lot of things about Hyper Wave (former Hyper-G) and has implemented a Hyper-Wave-server, too! If you want to know something about him or his family (he is a proud family father now), visit him!
Jürgen Muth
Jürgen is known as the "running encyclopaedia". He has also finished his studies and right now he is probably making big money out of his knowledge...
Johann Notbauer
Hansi didn't work a lot on his home page for quite a time. The reason for this may be that he has finished his studies and began to work centuries or some years ago.
Martin Posch
Well, Martin... He comes from Carinthia, if this tells you something... (No offence, he is really a nice guy! Sometimes...). ;-) He is a BIG "friend" of McDonald's fast food and is also fond of sheep! But I don't want to tell you everything about him (and neither about his sheep). If you have a little bit of time, look at his multicoloured but a little bit unmaintained home page! 
Christian Schinagl
I have known Christian since 1987, and especially in the last year he has found new self confidence. He takes a lot of effort to make the best out of the things which he decides to do and he is a very capable fellow, which can be seen on his home page.
Gerhild Schinagl
Gerhild is well known here in Graz, since she and her sister Heidrun take (nearly) every chance of joining discussions on the internet.
Moreover I know them from a holiday which seems centuries ago, in fact since then about 21 years must have passed... Really a lot of time so. :-O She has surely changed since then, and if you want to know in what way, give her home page a look!
Heiko Schwarz
If you are a fan of Star Trek, then you will be very excited about the things on Heiko's hompage! He also maintains the home page of the Linux User Group Graz.
Andreas Sterbenz
Andreas is a very critical guy. His most popular quotation is "A so a Bledsinn!", which means something like: "What nonsense!". Andreas also is a very ambitious student and he already made some publications. In StAn's opinion a home page is a waste of bandwidth, well, he may be right. You sure don't waste bandwidth by looking at his home page!