TISL: Transparent Internet Storage Layer

Current Version: 1.0 Beta 3.1

Welcome on the TISL Framework Homepage. TISL: Transparent Internet Storage Layer is a Java Classlibrary that encapsulates Internet Storage Services. The actual Version supports FTP and Email only.

Reminder: An Example Application

I promised to write a small example application to demonstrate TISL. It's a very small example reminder application. You may load and store a list of tasks on your Email Account. Check the Remidner.java File in the ZIP.

Mission Statement

All over the Internet you can find free Services you can use to store non vital Data. Most of them are free for everyone or hosted by your ISP. Wouldn't it be a pity to leave them untouched althoung they are free ? TISL encapsulates these Services and allows you to perform read and write operations. The only thing you have to do is to configure TISL via the config.xml File.

TISL Vision

Here an Example Code:

TislFile tfile=new TislFile("/ftp/myfile.txt");
PrintWriter writer=new PrintWriter(new TislFileWriter(tfile)); writer.println("Hello World");

Example for File Ouput:

TislFile tfile=new TislFile("/ftp/myfile.txt");
BufferedReader reader=new BufferedReader(new TislFileReader(tfile));
String line=null;
while( (line=reader.readLine())!=null ) {


UML Model: tisl.zuml Posseidon for UML


TISL is hosted by Sourceforge
CVS Tree: Sourceforge


Download Binary Jar File from Sourceforge.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Austria License.
