
This page in english!

Version 1.1.

I worked on this site the last time on 22.01.98


Im my childhood I liked to read comics, and only now have redisocered this interest! I like the comics by Neil Gaiman very much, especially Sandman and Books of Magic. A picture from "brief lives", which includes The Sandman 41 - 49:

An excerpt from "brief lives", it can make you think!

Death: "Everybody can know everything Destiny knows. And more than that. We all can not only know everything, we do. We just tell ourselves, we don´t to make it all bearable."
Destruction: "It sounds unlikely. Why do they keep wandering around and falling down manholes and tripping on banana skins? " Why does it seem like non of us-Endless or Mortal, Ghost or God- knows what we´re doing?"
Delirium: "She is. um. right. Kind of. Not knowing everything is all that makes it okay, sometimes."

Eine wunderbare Sandmanseite, mit Tonnen von Links, Bildern, News, etc..:Neil Gaiman's Sandman

Das Copyright des Zitates und des Bildes liegt bei DC Comics


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