London in April 1996
All pictures have been reduced in resolution, the preview pictures at this page are all less than 7kB!
[Phone booth in London, preview]
A typical telephone booth, found at Whitehall
[38 kB] 
[Piccadilly Circus preview]
Some friends at Piccadilly Circus
[58 kB] 
[St. Pauls Cathedral preview]
St. Pauls Cathedral from a different point of view
[47 kB] 
[Towerbridge preview]
No visit of London without Tower Bridge
[47 kB] 
The door of Buckingham Palace is worth a view
[79 kB] 
This picture was made in the Science Museum
[42 kB] 
[Fish and chips, preview]
For you it may just be fish and chips...
[56 kB] 
[Maya picture in British Museum, preview]
A Maya-picture made at the British Museum
[54 kB] 
[Britisch Museum Picture, preview]
Some warriors at the BM
[50 kB] 
[British Museum picture 3, preview]
BM again ...
[44 kB] 
[British Museum picture 4, preview]
... and again ...
[77 kB] 
[Wax pictures of the Dalai Lama, preview]
Support the Dalai Lama and Tibet!
[39 kB] 
[Wax picture of Hugh Grant, preview]
Hugh Grant ...
[30 kB] 
[Wax picture of Mr. Departieu]
... and Mr. Departieu
[78 kB]