Our Work

psiA-Consult GmbH mainly focuses on offering engineering and consulting services in the areas of acoustic, noise and vibrations measurements and the assessment of airborne pollut­ants. psiA-Consult understands engineering as the application of current scientific knowledge to everyday life .

From this perspective we also understand our research work as the application of aca­demic knowledge to the development of practically orientated methods for the industry.

For instance, in the context of the STAIRRS project we develop measurement methods which will enable the railway industry to improve the acoustic analysis of their products.

Specification and Implementation of:

Acoustic and noise protection projects
Traffic emissions projects

International research expertise to solve your problems in the areas of acoustic and pollutants emissions assessment.

psiA-Consult GmbH is also participating in a number of ongoing project partnerships. Foremost among those are projects within the framework of the 5th European Research Program. This includes ARTEMIS and STAIRRS as well as TRENDS and the EURAILNOISE-study for DG TREN.

Public Authorities:

Consulting and representation in proceedings with public authorities

Specific Qualifications

Sworn and certified experts in the areas of:

6,40 Techniques to prevent excessive noise generation ("Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung über­höhter Lärmentfaltung")
72,60 building acoustics-Noise protection ("Bauphysik-Schallschutz")

Collaboration in the following committees

DIN NALS A1/AK1: psychoakustische Messtechnik (psycho-acoustic measurement techniques)
FSV: Forschungsgemeinschaft für Straße & Verkehr (Research cooperation for roads and traf­fic)
ÖAL: Österreichischer Arbeitsring für Lärmbekämpfung (Austrian research group for noise reduction)
ÖIAV: Österreichischer Ingenieur und Architektenverein (Austrian Society of Civil Engineers and Architects)
ÖNORM: Fachnormenausschuss 213, Eisenbahnwesen (Standardization Committee 213, rail­ways) WG 6: Working group 6: European Railway Noise